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E. A. Harrison - Remembrances of working at Thomas Seager's Iron Foundry, Front Brents

Edward A. Harrison (Ted)


Born in Faversham in 1915, eldest of six children. Father was a bargeman, mother in domestic service before marriage. Educated at Faversham District School and left as Captain of School in 1929. Was a member of St. Saviours Church Choir for 14 years. Joined Thomas Seager’s Foundry in February 1930. Married in 1941, called up for War Service (Industrial) in 1942 and returned in 1944. Son born in that year. Joined the Civil Defence and served until it was disbanded in 1966. Daughter born in 1948. Hobbies include DIY, photography, gardening and listening to good music. Also had an interest in cookery.

Many thanks to Jos Thomas who kindly copy typed Ted's handwritten prose. 

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